​[[{“value”:”Possible rewrite: "Possible Building Moratorium in Juno Beach for May"

The Planning & Zoning board of Juno Beach unanimously approved a temporary halt on new development applications for multifamily, mixed-use, and commercial projects. This moratorium will not affect any previously approved but unbuilt commercial real estate developments.

If the city council approves it, this moratorium will be in effect for either one year or until the completion of Juno Beach’s Community Vision and Master Plan process – whichever comes first. The purpose of this pause is to give council members more time to work with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council in creating a new master plan that will regulate development and preserve the small seaside character of northeast Palm Beach County town.

According to reports from South Florida Business Journal, developers in South Florida have been looking for opportunities to build new apartments, condos, and homes across all three counties. They are targeting wealthy individuals who are moving into the region from other parts of the country and around world.

In summary:
Juno Beach’s Planning & Zoning board has unanimously agreed on temporarily stopping any new multifamily,mixed-use,and commercial development applications.This won’t affect already approved,but unbuilt projects.If passed by city council,the stoppage could last up to one year or until completionof their Community Visionand Master Plan process.The goal is togivecouncil membersmore timeto createa master planwiththe helpof TreasureCoastRegionalPlanningCouncilto controldevelopmentand preservethe town’ssmallseasidecharacter.AccordingtoSouthFloridaBusinessJournal,SouthFloridadevelopersarelookingfornewopportunitiesinallthreecountiestobuildapartmentscondos,andhomesforwealthyindividualswhoaremovingintotheregionfromotherpartsofthecountryandtheworld.
