​[[{“value”:”McCraney Constructs $45M Warehouse Park in Concord

### McCraney Property Co. Developing $45 Million Industrial Park in Concord

McCraney Property Co. is moving forward with plans to develop **Concord Gateway**, a $45 million industrial park in Concord. The 55-acre site is strategically located just off Exit 55 of Interstate 85.

The development will feature **eight buildings** ranging in size from **10,000 to 64,000 square feet**, designed to accommodate tenants requiring spaces between **4,000 and 30,000 square feet**.

According to the *Charlotte Business Journal*, the project will be constructed in two phases. **Phase one**, consisting of four buildings, is expected to be completed by **2026**, while **phase two**, which includes the remaining four buildings, is projected for completion in **2028**.

To support the development, the **Concord City Council** has approved a **one-year, $94,500 incentives grant** for the project.

McCraney Property Co.’s portfolio also includes **another major industrial park in Concord**, which is being developed in partnership with Fortius Capital Partners.
