The City of Scottsdale has recently updated its zoning code to include a number of green building features. These new standards apply to all newly constructed commercial and multifamily buildings. The town listed the environmental benefits that come with this measure, such as mitigating heat island effect with site shading and cool pavements, reducing water consumption with high efficiency plumbing fixtures and smart irrigation controls, accommodating electric vehicle charging infrastructure, creating resilient and energy-efficient buildings with on-site renewable energy sources, using biodiverse certified lumber for wood framing projects like sheathing or flooring materials made from recycled content or local resources; construction waste reduction through recycling/repurposing; improved indoor air quality via low VOC interior paints/coatings/adhesives/sealants & flooring.

In addition to these environmental benefits there are also economic advantages associated with implementing green building features – reduced operating costs enhanced indoor health occupant productivity life cycle cost savings & improved property value.

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