Ontario International Airport (ONT) has reported a significant increase in passenger volumes for the month of August, with a growth rate of 11% compared to the same period last year. According to airport officials, more than 567,000 passengers traveled through ONT last month, including 527,000 domestic fliers and 40,000 international travelers. This marks an impressive increase of 6% and nearly three times as many respectively.

In addition to this strong performance in August alone, ONT has also surpassed the milestone of welcoming over four million total passengers so far this year. This represents a remarkable growth rate of 12%, with domestic travel increasing by almost nine percent and international travel more than doubling at nearly260 ,000.

According to Atif Elkadi , CEOof Ontario International Airport Authority,”Demand for air travel through Ontario International remained robust during August as well as throughout the year.” He further added that consumer confidence in our facilities,services,and amenities remains high which is evident from our continuous outpacing growth at other California airports.

The latest figures released by Ontario International Airport (ONT) show an impressive surge in passenger counts for August – up by double digits at an astounding rate of11%. The airport welcomed over half a million travelers last month – consisting mainlyof527 ,00domestic fliersand40 ,00international tourists- marking increasesof6 %andnearlythreefoldrespectivelycomparedtothe sameperiodlastyear.

Moreover,the overall performanceforthisyearhasbeen equallyremarkableas ONThasalreadyexceededthefourmillionpassengermarkwitha12 %growthrate.Thisislargelyattributedtosteadyincreasesinbothdomestictravelby8 .7%andinternationaltravelwhichmorethandombledatalmost260k .

AtifElkadi,theCEOofOntarioInternationalAirportAuthority,statedthat”AugustwitnessedstrongdemandforairtravelthroughONT,whichhasbeenconsistent throughouttheyear.”Healsocommentedonthehighlevelofconsumerconfidenceintheairport’sfacilities,services,andamenitiesasreflectedbyitscontinualoutpacinggrowthatotherCaliforniaairports.