​[[{“value”:”"St. John Properties and Chesapeake Science Point Enter Office Lease Agreement"

The Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation has selected 7320 Parkway Drive in Hanover, Maryland as the new location for their expansion of Chesapeake Science Point Middle and High School. The charter school organization has signed a lease with St. John Properties, Inc., leasing the entire 56,964-square-foot building. This will be the seventh campus for Chesapeake Science Point Charter School, with five other locations in Prince George’s County.

This is not the first time that St. John Properties has worked with Chesapeake Science Point Charter School; they also have an elementary school operating within 72,120 square feet at Arundel Overlook on Signature Drive in Hanover.

In fall of 2023, students from the elementary school will begin classes at this new location on Parkway Drive. The landlord was represented by Lacey Johansson of St.John Properties while Chuck Breitenother and Austin Eber from NAI KLNB represented their client during this transaction.

Overall Summary:

Chesapeake Lighthouse Foundation chooses a site for their middle and high school expansion.
They sign a full-building lease with St.John Properties to occupy over half of it.
Their network now includes seven schools across Prince George’s County.
This is not their first collaboration; they already have an elementary school operating under another property owned by SJP.
Elementary students are expected to start attending classes here starting fall ’23
Lacey Johansson represents SJP while Chuck Breitenother & Austin Eber represent CLF during negotiations
