Kassin Sabbagh Realty (KSR) has recently expanded its retail leasing division with the addition of experienced professionals. Barry Fishbach, formerly at Newmark, joins as vice chairman and brings 25 years of expertise in tenant expansions for financial institutions. Zach Nathan, from Colliers and Ripco Real Estate Corp, praises KSR’s growth during uncertain times and their focus on diverse brand leasing. Brandon Berger also joins the team with a decade’s worth of experience managing NYC retail portfolios.

According to Morris Sabbagh, president of KSR: “I am excited to have Barry, Brandon and Zach join our team with their wealth of knowledge and leadership in multiple lines of business. We are looking forward to expanding our tenant representation offerings.” With these new additions,KSR is poised for further success in the retail leasing market.

The expansion news was announced by Kassin Sabbagh Realty (KSR), who welcomed three new members – vice chairman Barry Fishbach along with managing directors Brandon Berger & Zach Nathan – into its growing retail division.Fishbach brings over two decades’ worthof experienceinretailleasingand specializesintenantexpansionsforfinancialinstitutions.NathanpraisesKSRAgrowthamidstuncertaintywhileBergerbringsadecadeofexperiencemanagingNYCretailportfolios.KSAPresidentMorrisSabbaghsaid,”WeareexcitedtohaveBarryBrandonandZachjoinourteamwiththeirwealthofknowledgeandleadership.Wearelookingforwardtoexpandourtenantrepresentationofferings.”ThepostannouncingtheexpansionwaspublishedonConnectCRE,aleadingplatformforcommercialrealestatenews.TheadditionsofFishbach,Berger,andNathanwillundoubtedlycontributegreatlytowardsKSAR’ssuccessinthecommercialleasemarket.